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White Papers

Insurance company integrates records management into claims workflow for end to end efficiency
This company is a diversified insurance organization that offers a broad range of products in the property/casualty field - from home, auto and life to general liability and workers compensation. Over the years, this insurance company has grown by acquiring new companies and affiliates across the country.

Cracking down on illegal practices in the title insurance industry
This paper investigates the practice of rebating in title insurance industry. Since approximately 1997, insurance regulators allege that title insurers began engaging in the illegal practice of rebating by forming captive reinsurance companies that in turn draw rebates from the title insurance companies.

Title insurance in commercial real estate transactions
This paper is intended to highlight the title insurance issues that arise in connection with the sale, purchase, and financing of commercial real estate. It discusses the necessity for and the types of title policies and products available, as well as the availability and desirability of specialized coverage's and endorsements for specific types of transactions and factual circumstances.

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