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American International Group (AIG) - A Leader In Finance and Insurance

AIG is considered among the four largest companies in the world. It is also one of the top earners among US companies. Many insurance policyholders trust the company for their insurance needs -- including their home insurance needs. In 1919, the company was founded in Shanghai, China, by Cornelius Vander Starr. When business took off in China, Starr began offering has insurance to people in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. By 1962, the company was not doing very well the United States. Starr therefore hired Hank Greenberg to take over that portion of the company.

Rather than focusing on personal insurance, Greenberg began offering corporate insurance policies. Greenberg also favored selling insurance via independent brokers to sell insurance more cheaply and to ensure quality. Greenberg became Starr's successor in 1968, and ran the company until 2005. Today, AIG not only offers financial services, as well as insurance to international policyholders, but the company also owns one of the largest aircraft leasing companies in the world as well as a ski resort and private golf course. With operations in more than 130 companies, AIG is expanding daily. Despite recent controversy over claims of accounting fraud, millions of homeowners continue to trust a AIG for their home insurance and other insurance needs. The company offers discounts for those who get more than one policy with the company. You can get more information and its policies by visiting their official website. Beside insurance quotes homeowner is also found.

State Farm Insurance Companies -- Leaders In Insurance and Financial Services

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State Farm Insurance Companies were founded in 1922 by a farmer named George J. Mecherle. This group of financial service and insurance companies has grown to be one of the leaders in the industry today. With headquarters in Bloomington, Illinois and more than 71 million policyholders in Canada in the United States, the company is considered to be the best home owner insurance company in the nation. The company began by offering car insurance to farmers in order to provide farmers with lower costs, since they restricted using their cars due to the fear of accidents. Today, the company offers life insurance, mutual funds, banking, financial services, home insurance, and other types of coverage as well as auto coverage. According to many studies, State Farm provides more home insurance in America than any other provider. The company is known for its famous ad jingle Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. More information about the company and its policies -- including access to an online quote -- can be found at the website. Most of the websites offers free homeowner insurance quote.

Knowing how to find the best home owner insurance company is not an easy task. However, if you want to find the best home insurance, it is vital that you work with an insurance provider who is qualified and whom you trust. When looking for an insurance provider, always check companies and company reputations as well as policy rates in addition to homeowner's insurance quotes. You don't want to pay a low cost for insurance rates only to find out after an accident occurs to your home that your insurance providers are not reputed.

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