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Title Insurance

Title insurance refers to an insurance policy that vouches for a valid and factual property title. In other words, it assures that the property title is free from disputes and claims. Public records are usually searched to scrutinize the history and possible problems in the title's ownership. The title insurance includes only one time fee. The title insurance may possibly have the problems like some kind of errors or omissions in deeds, mistakes in examining records, forgery, hidden heirs, liens for unpaid taxes or liens by contractors.

Since the history of the property is scrutinized by the title insurance, the new owner is assured of peace of mind and added security. It also analyses various issues attached with the property and ensures that there is no outstanding debts or unknown ownership and other disputes.

The title insurance is in force only as long as the property owner owns the (title) insured property. Incase of disputes in later date the title insurance policy covers only the legal fees of a claim against the property as a defense mechanism.

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