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Holiday Home Insurance

Holiday home insurance policies come in different forms. There are policies for homes abroad and others for within the country while even caravans can qualify for holiday home insurance. Some policies are for homes that are only occupied for a certain amount of time and require that all of the utilities be turned off when the property is unoccupied. Others are covered regardless of occupation and do not make any stipulations regarding the switching off of utilities which is much more convenient for people who use their holiday home on a irregular basis, giving them the chance to stay at their holiday home without planning beforehand.

The contents of a holiday home can be covered although the presence of security such as a burglar alarm could be needed especially if the home is unoccupied most of the time. The cost of holiday home insurance can very but generally, the safer the area and the greater the security, the lower the cost of the premium will be. A caretaker presence would also lower the costs as would locked gates and alarms.

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