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HO-4 Insurance Policy

The second most commonly issued type of home insurance policy in the United States is the HO-4 policy, which is renters insurance or renter's coverage. (The most commonly issued policy is the HO-3, known as an "all risk" or "open perils" policy for homeowner's covering both the structure, contents, and associated liability from injuries that occur on the property.)

The HO-4 renters policy covers those aspects of the apartment or rental dwelling and the contents of same that are not specifically provided for and protected under the terms of the blanket policy written for the entire apartment or rental complex in the name of the owner of the overall property. The renters policy also typically covers issues of liability arising from accidents inside of and within 150 feet beyond the domicile in question.

Commonly covered events include lightning, vandalism, smoke damage, theft, wind or hail damage; damage from snow, sleet or ice, or that caused by falling objects among others.

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