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Average Home Owners Insurance Rates by State

Insurance rates on homes vary depending on the state the property is located in. There can be a wide range of difference between these rates. Texas has the most expensive homeowners insurance rates for example while Wisconsin has the lowest. The rates can be determined by weather issues and a state's natural disaster risk. The insurance companies look at past weather problems and the costs incurred from these disasters and from this create an average premium price.

The types of materials used to build the property can also be a deciding factor. For example, brick houses in areas prone to earthquakes can be pricey to fix in the aftermath of a disaster. The rates all depend on the potential damage that could be caused and the likelihood of protection of the property. Insurance is generally more expensive in cities but it can also depend on the zip code. People are also maintaining their homes to a better standard, which can lower insurance rates in general. The insurance companies in each state can also offer varying insurance rates so the key is to shop around for the best local rates.

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